

Most of us think of winter as the time of nice quiet evenings, hot drinks, and cozy family times; you would be surprised when you get to know the effects of the drop in temperatures on your oral health.   As the temperature drops, windy days and drier climates are more expected, all of which puts you at increased risk of developing lots of common oral and dental problems as follows;    1. Dry mouth,
Nowadays brackets are not the only option available to correct teeth misalignments and bite malfunctions. Invisalign is another orthodontic technique that is used to redirect the position of the teeth by using a series of “Aligners”, which are basically a solid piece of plastic custom-made for each patient and design to put pressure on specific parts of the teeth so they can gradually be moved into their ideal position. Each aligner is worn for about
Root canal Treatment as we call it in dentistry is a procedure might be needed for many reasons; the most common reason would be deeper decay reaching the root canal of the tooth/ or the heart of the tooth as some refer to, and we wouldn’t be left with any other options to save the tooth and preserve it before carrying out the root canal treatment, the second reason could be following a trauma to
ARE THE RETAINERS AN IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT? Getting your braces off is always a BIG DAY! But it is important to keep in mind that after your braces have been removed, the orthodontic treatment isn’t over. Retainers must be worn after your braces or Invisalign treatment, in order to keep your teeth aligned and ensure the best lasting results for the appearance of your smile WHY DO YOU NEED TO WEAR YOUR

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