

Post-surgical procedure Instructions

Post-surgical procedure Instructions After the surgical procedure, it’s important for a bl00d clot to form to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. That’s why we ask you to bite on a gauze pad for 45 minutes after the appointment. If the bleeding or oozing persists, insert another gauze pad and bite firmly for another 30 minutes. You may have to do this several times. Do not rinse for 24 hours after surgery. Keep

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Post Teeth Cleaning (Deep Cleaning) care instruction

Post Teeth Cleaning (Deep Cleaning) care instruction  You may experience some cold and heat sensitivity (especially after deep cleaning).2- If you have received anesthesia do not eat anything until the numbness has worn off. Continue your regular brushing and flossing. Bleeding for a day or two after cleaning is normal, but if you experience any excessive bleeding call our office. Call our office if you are in pain or if you have any questions.

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Post Root Canal Treatment care instructions

Post Root Canal Treatment care instructions You may experience moderate pain and sensitivity to pressure on your tooth. Also, you may feel gum soreness for a few days after your treatment. The healing process may take several days but the pain and discomfort should subside gradually. Take any medication that was prescribed for you according to instructions. Usually, a temporary filling has been placed on your tooth; do not bite on the tooth for one

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Post fixed prosthetic care instructions

Post fixed prosthetic care instructions Fixed prosthesis usually takes 2 or 3 appointments to complete. On the first appointment, the tooth/teeth are prepared, impressions are taken, and a temporary crown or veneer is placed on your tooth/teeth. You may experience sensitivity, gum soreness, and slight discomfort on the tooth/teeth; it should subside after the placement of the permanent crown(s). Whenever anesthesia is used, avoid chewing on your teeth until the numbness has worn off. A

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