

Post Implant care instructions

Post Implant care instructions You may experience some discomfort and bleeding on the day of the surgery. Take all medication that was prescribed for you according to instructions. Apply an ice bag on your face over the surgical site on the day of surgery for 10 minutes on and 5 minutes off. Keep your next appointment on time for the removal of sutures and follow-up checks. DO NOT raise your lips with your fingers to

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Post fillings care instructions

Post fillings care instructions Do not eat your new filling for one hour until your numbness is gone. If you supervise children who had fillings done, ensure they don’t bite on their numb lips or tongue (it can cause serious injury to their soft tissue). You may experience cold and heat sensitivity and some gum soreness; this usually subsides within a few days. Call our office if you experience pain or discomfort for more than

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