
Meso. the. rapy

What is Meso. the. rapy?

Meso. the. rapy solves a number of skin problems. This is due to the fact that the necessary substances are brought directly to the problem area. And active substances can work from the inside out, solving the problem instead of just masking its external signs.

Cocktails for meso. the. rapy are completely different in composition: depending on a specific problem, the doctor selects the necessary content. For example, in the treatment of rosacea, the composition will include components that strengthen the walls of blood vessels,  In the fight against wrinkles - anti-aging and moisturizing ingredients in the treatment of acne - antibacterial and absorbent substances, and so on.

In order for meso. the. rapy to give a good result, it is necessary to undergo a range of 3 to 4  procedures; keeping in mind that the effect of the treatment depends on the characteristics of the skin and the number of procedures.

A few years ago, there was a belief that meso. the. rapy is a procedure only for antiaging. Today everything has changed. meso. the. rapy treats other skin problems such as acne, age spots, rosacea, fine wrinkles, and hair loss. And it can be widely used to rejuvenate the skin and burn fat.

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