
Articles posted by admin

Post fillings care instructions

Post fillings care instructions Do not eat your new filling for one hour until your numbness is gone. If you supervise children who had fillings done, ensure they don’t bite on their numb lips or tongue (it can cause serious injury to their soft tissue). You may experience cold and heat sensitivity and some gum soreness; this usually subsides within a few days. Call our office if you experience pain or discomfort for more than

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Do We Need to modify our teeth brushing technique in Ramadan?!!

In fact, most people change their diet habits during Ramadan, having 2 meals; Iftar ( breaking the fasting ) & Suhoor ( late-night snack meal, those 2 meals and whatever is in between them is totally different story than having the regular 3 meals. First of all, the timing of those two meals in ramadan is mostly evening and late at night, while during the day fasting is almost 12-15 hours, so if you forgot

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We know that orthodontic care is a big investment in your child’s oral health, and the trust you place in us is important. You and your child should feel fully confident in the journey ahead, so let’s take a look at some of the top things you should know about the orthodontic process before your child begins treatment! Orthodontic treatments are not meant to just straighten your teeth Many people mistakenly believe that orthodontics focuses

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Toothpastes with gritty components are fashionable, but are they safe?

Toothpastes with gritty components are fashionable, but are they safe? There are only two ways to whiten your teeth,either by physically rubbing a layer off your enamel or chemically dissolving the stains!   But before using charcoal based toothpastes or any other grainy toothpastes, you should know that those products haven’t received the Seal of Acceptance by the American Dental Association, for many reasons: 1-they will deteriorate the enamel this will expose your teeth to

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