

Why do we need to check your Dental implants every six months??

Why we need to check your Dental implants every six month?? As we choses to place a foreign object in our body like a heart pace maker, heart stent, artificial joint or dental implant, then we should put into consideration that these life changing medical devices have to be checked every while and then. I can understand that some patients could miss scaling and polishing follow up visit for any reason, but missing dental implant

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What is an orthodontist?

This is a very common doubt that comes  around the ????????? ?????… Please take your time to read this very valuable information for you .  Although there are some General Dentists that offer Orthodontic Treatments such as  ??????????, ?????? ??? ?????????, unfortunately patients are rarely aware of the amount of training the dentist has had in the Orthodontics field, plus their experience with a particular appliance and with complex cases. What is the difference between a ??????? and an ?????????????

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Why we need to check teeth alignment before doing a smile make-over?!

Why we need to check teeth alignment before doing a smile make-over?! I cannot blame most of my patients for being in rush to fix their smile in a week, of course, social media and the madness of before and after photos along with celebritie’s smile give the patient the motivation to be superstars in just 2 visits! But let’s just ask ourselves one simple question …. If those teeth and smiles took years to

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Dental Implants, search for the Quality

Dental Implants,,, search for the QUALITY! Replacing missing teeth has never been easier and more predictable: Thanks to dental implants that open to our patients another chance to restore their missing teeth, get back their masticatory function and helps them to quit using their removable dentures to improve their self-esteem. Doing a single dental implant procedure will take no more than 60 minutes under local anesthesia in the dental office, side effects postoperatively- if any

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